The first CRM platform
for affiliate marketer
in arbitration
A new era
The first CRM platform
for affiliate marketer
in arbitration
A new era

All in one place

Pepper CRM

Keep records of expenses, accounts, cards. In two clicks, see where every penny went. In one place: ROMI or ROI by buyer, GEO, offerer and even by specific bay. Separate functionality for owners, financiers, teamleaders and buyers. Revenue part in integration with keytaro

And that's not all


We break down each function of the system: 30 minutes and you own the software professionally!

What you get
by working with us
The old-fashioned way
In our CRM
Consumables accounting
Accounts are lost, hundreds of losses, no consistency
✨ All consumables in one place, distributed by buyer. It's impossible to lose an account
Accounting for expenses
Excel spreadsheet: why doesn't it add up? Maybe the formula in cell DE381 is missing?
✨ Transactions are created automatically. You can enter the spend per team, per byer or in percentages
Accounting for bays
Where is this autoreg tied to? Has this BM already been used?
✨ Create an account set-up in 30 seconds
Control of spending by cards
Which cards are active? And what cards are closed? And with which spends? So maybe close them? What chaos!?!
✨ Enter cards and terms of service once, and then you will only have to enter spends. All commissions are calculated automatically
And by eye is also normal
✨ Spending statistics by offerers with a breakdown by buyer
Access levels
Give out the aces in the personal account, put them in the table. Oh, this bayer wants his autoregs back?
✨ Convenient distribution of consumables, offers, cards for team members
Revenue accounting
We should send an accountant to consolidate figures. A week would be enough.
✨ Income and expenses in one place
What you get
by working with us
Consumables accounting
In our CRM
All consumables in one place, distributed by buyer. It's impossible to lose an account

The old-fashioned way
Accounts are lost, hundreds of losses, no consistency
Accounting for expenses
In our CRM
✨ Transactions are created automatically. You can enter the spend per team, per byer or in percentages

The old-fashioned way

Excel spreadsheet: why doesn't it add up? Maybe the formula in cell DE381 is missing?

Accounting for bays
In our CRM
Create an account set-up in 30 seconds

The old-fashioned way

Where is this autoreg tied to? Has this BM already been used?

Control of spending by cards
In our CRM
Enter cards and terms of service once, and then you will only have to enter spends. All commissions are calculated automatically

The old-fashioned way

Which cards are active? And what cards are closed? And with which spends? So maybe close them? What chaos!?!

In our CRM
Spending statistics by offerers with a breakdown by buyer

The old-fashioned way
And by eye is also normal
Access levels
In our CRM
Convenient distribution of consumables, offers, cards for team members

The old-fashioned way

Give out the aces in the personal account, put them in the table. Oh, this bayer wants his autoregs back?

Revenue accounting
In our CRM
Income and expenses in one place

The old-fashioned way

We should send an accountant to consolidate figures. A week would be enough.

Any tariff —
free of charge

first week